Noosa York Cookie
Location → Noosa Heads/AU
Year → 2020
Key words → Australian made, Cookie, Fun
The idea of this business came to life when an excellent chef got inspired by the famous New York Cookies and developed a cookie recipe of his own. The result was epic - a big, thick and gooey cookie, perfectly prepared and baked, with a crunchy toasted outside with a gooey interior and molten chocolate.
The news spread quickly around town and everyone wanted a little taste. That’s when I was contacted by the chef and his business partner - the production was out of control and they saw the potential of creating a business out of it. They had an awesome product and a totally appropriate name “Noosa York Cookie”. They wanted me to create a logo and all the print materials so they could professionalize the idea.
It was very important for them to highlight the fact that the product was Australian made while following the traditional aspect of a “New York Cookie”.